Our Purpose
To get to the renewable energy future our planet needs tomorrow, we need everyone's help today. At Aloe Solar our purpose is to make going solar, and being a part of the solar industry more accessible, so that everyone can be part of the solution.
Around the world millions of people are displaced from their homes each year due to the devastating impacts of climate change, and the most vulnerable communities are disproportionately impacted. While solar does not have the ability to completely solve the climate crisis, given the amount of regenerative work that needs to be done, it does have the ability to make a rather large impact. The issue is, not everyone has the means or access to going solar, and the solar industry itself has not always been the most inclusive. At Aloe Solar we want to be a different kind of solar company, one that focuses on how we can impact our community, and communities around the world. One that makes decisions based on our values, and a commitment to put people and the planet, before profit. Our goal is not to become a big company, rather to be a meaningful company, because how we live in this world matters. To make solar as accessible as possible, we are committed to keeping our systems affordable, offering financing options, and providing other flexibility where we can.